Japan Travel Guides

Ah, Japan! One of my favorite countries in the world. There are plenty of Japan travel guides out there, but we'll try to give you a brief overview of the country here before pointing you to some more more detailed resources.
The ocean nation of Japan, located to the east of the Asian shores, has a land mass a bit larger than Switzerland and Germany combined and the climate is mild and dry most of the year. There is a ten- to twelve-hour difference with America. Although the main language is Japanese, Japan boasts a fairly-fluent-in-English population. U.S. citizens travelling to Japan for a short visit less than 90 days will only need a valid passport.
Japan offers the traveler many diverse cultural sights due to its rich and eventful past. One of the most memorable is the "Shrines and Temples of Nikko", a monumental place built in the Edo period to commemorate the first Shogun, or Lord. This is also where you will see "The Monkeys" statue, embodying the Buddhist principle of "see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil".
Once a region of small kingdoms, Japan abounds in castles and fortresses; Himeji-jo castle is the best-preserved. The old capital Kyoto retains the charm of bygone times with temples, shrines and a magnificent castle. A traveler will also enjoy the healing Hot Springs as well as the frenzied Anime and Manga culture. While there, take in one of the many festivals and celebrations held annually across Japan, such as the Water-Drawing Festival, the Doll Festival, or Cosplay.
An extremely conservative people, the Japanese value courtesy and expect the same respect in return. Remember to always show gratitude, respond politely, and refer to others by their last name unless invited to do otherwise. Japanese people bow to show respect and the depth of the bow varies depending on social standing. Also, if you're carrying cell phones, remember to turn them off on the train and in theaters. It's considered rude not to do so.
Quick Info:
Capital: Tokyo
Language(s): Aynu itak, Ryukyuan languages, Eastern Japanese, Western Japanese
Religion(s): Shinto Buddhism
Currency: Yen (JPY)
Electricity Voltage: 100V
Calling Code: 81
Popular Travel Destinations:
- Chichibu-Tama National Park
- Mount Fuji (Fuji-san)
- Saikai National Park
Official Website: www.jnto.go.jp/
Travel Forums:
*Note* - Some of the graphics on this page were taken from the CIA World Factbook which contains a wealth of information on every country in the world. I highly recommend it.